
The X-Scan collaborators will provide a well-balanced group as they fit into a supply chain leading to the final prototype system. The Consortium believes that they provide the best people

with the best facilities, to successfully deliver the X-Scan project. Together, the SMEs and RTDs introduce a diverse range of experience from across Europe and have no internal competitive elements. The End User, who supports this project, will provide feedback on their requirements, and they will commit staff time to support the project and provide access to facilities during the early stages of the project and at the field trials.

The consortium consists of 7 collaborators from 4 member states, including 3 SMEs each representing a different EU country. The SMEs range from service providers to high technology equipment organisations. In addition there are strong participants from Research (3 participants) and an Industrial Sector participant, who has a strong and particular interest for this project.

SME Partners

Tecnitest (Tecnitest Ingenieros S.L, Spain)


Vermon (VERMON S.A., France)


Spectrumlabs (Greece)

OTH Collaborators
United Kingdom

Lloyd's Register EMEA (UK)

RTD Collaborators
United Kingdom


United Kingdom

UBRUN (Brunel University, UK)


Innora (Innora Robotics & Automation Limited, Greece)